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Atlas Signs a Deal with the University of Essex!

Posted on: March 29th, 2007 by Simon Swords

It has been nearly two months since we last posted on our blog and apologies to anybody who takes the time out to check for Atlas Blog updates.  We’ve been busy here at Atlas securing contracts with the likes of Business Help East Ltd. and the University of Essex to provide bespoke database applications that allow both companies to manage their clients more effectively than ever before.

Working on these projects has provided us with a real insight in to the workings of public sector bodies and how different they can be from their private counterparts.

What swung it for both of our clients is the way in which we are able to host their data seamlessly online, providing them with access to their data wherever an Internet connection is available.  This is in direct contrast to the systems currently in place at Business Help East in particular and they are looking forward to bringing both of these projects to a conclusion and reaping the rewards of this new technology.

Simon Swords


Managing Director

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