Failure is an inevitable part of life. However, failing at something does not necessarily have to be a bad thing as some people might choose to believe. The optimists among us will recognise failure,... Read more »
When it comes to web browsers, most people choose one based on its speed and ease of use. Google Chrome has been the one which people have swayed towards over the past decade. With that in mind, here are... Read more »
When looking for new software, businesses can buy an off-the-shelf package or have a bespoke solution built. We look at the pros & cons of each.... Read more »
When you think about the best reporting tool for business, you probably think of Microsoft Excel, right? It would make sense if you do because Excel has been the go-to for what feels like an eternity.... Read more »
Of course, a knowledge of programming languages and how to apply them to software is key to landing yourself a job offer, but if you aspire to be a truly outstanding software developer, you are... Read more »
“We need to grow up” This was what came out of the team meeting that kicked off a brand refresh for Staff Squared – and my first project as the new designer at Atlas Code. Staff Squared was launched... Read more »
Choosing the right software development company to build your new product is essential to the success of your project. Much like when contracting a team of builders to renovate your home, it is... Read more »
As of today, we are delighted to announce that we are Cyber Essentials Plus accredited. Within Atlas, we have always taken data security and privacy extremely seriously, and believe that... Read more »
We work with a wide range of clients - from startups to fortune 500 companies - across many industries.
However you serve your customers, we can create clever solutions to help you innovate and explore new ideas.