Things Click is simple and reliable web application testing for everybody, Things Click automates all of your testing needs
Things Click is a web based test automation tool which allows you to record and run functional tests on any website from the comfort of your browser.
We originally created this web application to enhance our software testing service by allowing us to create, run and repeat tests even more efficiently and accurately. When our customers requested access to their own copy of the app we decided to make it publicly available for purchase.
Start testing in just 4 steps
1. Add our extension
Install the Test recorder extension to your Chrome browser. Access the recording functionality via the Things Click toolbar icon.
2. Record in your browser
Fire up the website you wish to test. Click the extension toolbar icon and hit the Start recording button and use the app as you would normally.
3. Run test continuously
Your saved tests can be run on a schedule (hourly, daily, weekly etc.) or triggered as part of your workflow, such as following a new release.
4. Set notifications
Get notified via e-mail, text message or one of our third party integrations when a test fails. A full video and technical information about the failed tests are available.
Things Click is for you if you are:
- Fed up with repeating the same tests over and over again manually.
- Struggling to keep on top of your testing backlog.
- Can’t afford dedicated testing or Quality Assurance hire.
- Constantly finding bugs in your production website because you didn’t have time to regression test.
- Looking for ways to reduce the overall amount of time you spend on testing.